There are only two tasks harder than writing Free Software graphics drivers. One is running a successful crocodile petting zoo, the other is wireless bungee jumping.
In general writing graphics drivers is hard. The number of people who can actually do it is very small and the ones who can do it well are usually doing it full-time already. Unless the company, which those folks are working for, supports open drivers, the earliest someone can start working on open drivers is the day the hardware is officially available. That's already about 2 years too late, maybe a year if the hardware is just an incremental update. Obviously not a lot of programmers have the motivation to do that. Small subset of the already very small subset of programmers who can write drivers. Each of them worth their weight in gold (double, since they're usually pretty skinny).
Vendors who ship hardware with GNU/Linux don't see a lot of value in having open graphics drivers on those platforms. All the Android phones are a good example of that. Then again Android decided to use Skia, which right now is simply the worst of the vector graphics frameworks out there (Qt and Cairo being two other notables). Plus having to wrap every new game port (all that code is always C/C++) with NDK is a pain. So the lack of decent drivers is probably not their biggest problem.
MeeGo has a lot better graphics framework, but we're ways of before we'll see anyone shipping devices running it and Nokia in the past did "awesome" things like release GNU/Linux devices with a GPU but without any drivers for it (n800, n810) and Intel's Poulsbo/Moorestown graphics drivers woes are well-known. On the desktop side it seems that Intel folks are afraid that porting their drivers to Gallium will destabilize them. Which is certainly true, but the benefits of doing so (multiple state trackers, cleaner driver code, being able to use Gallium debugging tools like trace/replay/rbug and nicely abstracting the api code from drivers) would be well worth it and hugely beneficial to everyone.
As it stands we have an excellent framework in Gallium3D but not a lot of open drivers for it. Ironically it's our new software driver, llvmpipe, or more precisely a mutation of it, which has the potential to fix some of our GPU issues in the future. With the continues generalization of GPUs my hope is that all we'll need is DRM code (memory management, kernel modesetting, command submission) and LLVM->GPU code generator. It's not exactly a trivial amount of code by any stretch of the imagination but smaller than what we'd need right now and once it would be done for one or two GPUs it would certainly become a lot simpler. Plus GPGPU will eventually make the latter part mandatory anyway. Having that would get us a working driver right away and after that we could play with texture sampling and vertex paths (which will likely stay as dedicated units for a while) as optimizations.
Of course it would be even better if a company shipping millions of devices with GNU/Linux wanted a working graphics stack from bottom up (memory management, kernel modesetting, Gallium drivers with multiple state trackers, optimized for whatever 2D framework they use) but that would make sense. "Is that bad?" you ask. Oh, it's terrible because GNU/Linux graphics stack on all those shipped devices is apparently meant to defy logic.