I was wondering how hard would it be to create a QGraphicsItem that uses QtWebKit to render pages on a canvas. The idea being that combining full blown canvas like QGraphicsView framework with web rendering engine would give us quite a killer combination. So I've sat down today and done it. At first I had to redo some of the rendering code in QtWebKit and once I was finished I had a QWebGraphicsItem that beautifully renders pages. It being a QGraphicsItem all the effects available to graphics items in Qt are available for free to it. So you can animate, scale, rotate, perspective-transform and do a whole bunch of neat effects on it for free. Once I've done that I figured that it's obvious that this is the best way of getting Apple's Dashboard widgets to work. So I've done that too. I quickly hacked up a class that reads-in Apple Dashboard widget bundles and can render them on a QWebGraphicsItem. The compatibility is not 1:1 quite yet, because some of the Dashboard widgets use JavaScript objects that I haven't implemented yet, like AddressBook object. To be honest I'm not 100% sure whether I want to implement them, I think we can get those things done a lot nicer, it's just a question of whether 1:1 compatibility with Apple Dashboard is worth the extra effort needed to make all those JavaScript objects work on KDE.
First a screenshot of one Apple Dashboard widget rendered and on top a scaled to half its size KDE homepage:

Now a Dashboard widget with a perspective-transformed dot.kde.org page. Since this is QGraphicsView I can interact with the item while it's transformed so I've selected some text on it.

Crackalicious. (no drugs were used while hacking on this, but I did touch myself a little after getting it to work). Furthermore (yes, there's more... what can I say, I'm a giver...) in QtWebKit we have this neat interface that allows you to inject QObject's into the framework as JavaScript objects at run-time, so adding new JavaScript objects is trivial and getting Opera widgets to work would be very, very simple. No spandex pants included though.